Sunday, May 29, 2016

Why I Support Sanders and Not the Corporate Democrats

A couple of years ago I took a sabbatical from the democratic party political activities.
I wanted to get out of the bubble and keep my sanity intact. It was worth and I do not regret it.
I would suggest to many democrats to do the same. The world will not fall apart (at least not yet) without you.

These are some of the reasons:
  1. I could not reconcile my own believes with the gyrations of the democratic establishment whose dishonest modus operandi was never challenged (such as voting people out of office).
  2. On the other hand Mr. Obama, after preaching high, has missed a golden opportunity to make fundamental and systemic changes that this Country and the World badly need.
  3. Important policy decisions such as NAFTA, TPP, the 2 laws signed by Mr. Clinton that basically destroyed the economy and the middle class, were never a subject of discussion while our beloved representatives went happily along.
    They were more concerned about their seats than global issues such as climate change.
  4. In my view these people do not have any ideology or moral backbone to fight for the principles they preach about. Calling themselves democrats does not cut it anymore for me.
  5. The fact that the American political system is stuck in the mud (literally) does not mean that we the people should give a pass to these individuals all the time. I do not know about you, but they do not represent me.
  6. I refuse to be blackmailed twice. The first time when they lie to us, the second time when they appeal to our loyalty otherwise hell breaks loose. And who is responsible if such an event happens?

We still have a few important rounds to go, Bernie could still make it. I’ll make up my mind later.

Mine is only one vote and belongs to whomever is willing to work his/her ass off to earn it.

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