Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pragmatic Idealism vs Pragmatic Nihilism

The hallmark of a modern Democratic society is fiscal justice. That is where the rubber hits the road. The wall street crowd's "philosophy" offends our intelligence more than anything else. Their demagogy is destroying this Country. They must be stopped, this is the core mission of the next President.
As much as I do agree with the slogan "It is the Economy Stupid", in my view, it is the ideological underpinning that must be addressed. This ideology gives free pass to the rich (1%) and penalizes everybody else (99%). This is why Bernie is right on the money (no pun intended) and Hillary and the republican clowns are not!

Please, read this: It is the Ideology Stupid!

I hope that the Country is ready for a "political revolution" or paradigm shift. This will not be easy, but must be done.

I'd rather support Bernie's pragmatic idealism than Hillary's pragmatic nihilism.

As brother Cornel West says, and I quote:

I do so because he is a long-distance runner with integrity in the struggle for justice for over 50 years. Now is the time for his prophetic voice to be heard across our crisis-ridden country, even as we push him with integrity toward a more comprehensive vision of freedom for all.

Why African Americans are on FIRE for Bernie Sanders

Economists For Bernie Speak Up

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