Sunday, May 30, 2010

BP Environmental Catastrophe

Systemic problems and right-wing ideology are behind the policies that destroy the environment and reward the criminal activities of corporate white men. Is anybody surprised that after 8 years of “oil boys” at the White House we have an environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico? Where is the “drill baby drill” crowd now?

Lack of regulations and the philosophy of greed, sold to the masses as “free market”, are destroying our way of life and the environment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This tragedy and crime against humanity and our planet was caused first by most members of congress voting against strict enough laws to avoid such an eternal crime.
Second by the Mineral Mang. Dept of the US.for not enforcing the laws we have. And BP's disregard for humanity and our planet and greed by these three groups. To really assure this doesn't happen again put those involved in these groups to death. Justice even then will not be totally served.