Sunday, November 9, 2008

Economic Crisis Background

The current economic crisis is serious. This is the collapse of the “trickle-down economic theories” that have been sold to the average “plumber” for the past decades. See the discredited "maestro's" mea culpa.

The gap between those at the top and the rest of us is unbelievable. The richest 1% of Americans hold wealth worth $17 trillion, almost $2 trillion more than the bottom 90%.
This has been possible because a propaganda war has been waged by the conservatives and corporations against the middle class and common sense. This propaganda has forced in the brain of the average plumber a blind faith in the market as a magic instrument that can solve any problem.
This blind faith has preached that tax cuts for the rich help the poor; that labor unions keep workers from prospering; that regulations protecting consumers attack freedom.
We must reverse this destructive course and restore a different faith, a faith that values the common good and condemn Wall Street greed. An effective government for the people and by the people must play a crucial role to achieve this objective.
We can start by making Wall Street pay for its mistakes. See what Senator Bernie Sanders has to say.

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